Cullom, Illinois

Sons of the American Legion Detachment of Illinois, Post 122 Cullom

Cullom AL Mess Hall
AL Family Queen of Hearts
Christmas On Main Street
Skully's Saloon
Cullom Historical Society
American Legion 17th District Auxiliary
SAL Post 122, Cullom
2024-- Cullom Homecoming and Jr Fair
Trinity United Methodist Parish (Cullom-Kempton)
Cullom Jam
Cullom Community Market
Cullom Co-Ed 4H
Cullom Senior Citizens
Cullom HCE Unit
Village of Cullom
Calendar of Events
Cullom Celebration Photos
Cullom Food Pantry
Cullom Businesses
St. John's Lutheran Church
Cullom Beckman Memorial Library
American Legion Auxiliary Unit 122
American Legion Junior Auxiliary Unit 122
American Legion 17th District Junior Auxiliary
American Legion Post 122
GFWC IL Woman's Club of Cullom Seventy years old September 2024
Citizens for Cullom
Cullom Pictures in History

Friday, August 9 during Cullom Homecoming
Location: Cullom American Legion
Sponsored by American Legion & Sons of the American (SAL)



7:30pm 1st Wednesday of the month at the Post Home with the American Legion (JOINT MEETING).

7:30pm 2nd Thursday of the month at the Post Home.

See the American Legion Family QUEEN OF HEARTS Raffle  page for the updates

A Male decendent is eligible whose father, grandfather, great-grandfather, Step-father, Step-grandfather, Step-great-grandfather has served. If living, they need to be members of the Legion or a deceased Veteran. If you are interested and eligible see one of the officers.

The Bar is OPEN.
The Cullom American Legion Bar is open for business.
Hours: Monday thru Thursday 4:00 pm to 12:00 am***
Friday, Saturday 4:00pm to 1:00am***
Sunday Noon to 12:00am***
**Closing time subject to change

Post 122 Sons of the American Legion

***Detachment SAL Commander...Mark McDermott, Jr
***Adjutant...Kevin Ehlers
***Sr. Vice Commander...Dwayne George
***Jr. Vice Commander...Rich Snow
***Chaplain/Liason....Keith Taylor
***Sgt-at-Arms...Will Patterson

Post 122 Detachment SAL Commander 2024-2025
Mark McDermott, Jr

SAL Adjutant & Finance Office 2024-2025
Kevin Ehlers

SAL Sr. Vice Commander 2024-2025
Dwayne George

SAL Jr. Vice Commander 2024-2025
Rich Snow

SAL Chaplain/Liason 2024-2025
Keith Taylor

SAL Sgt=at-Arms 2024-2025
Will Patterson

05-27-2024 Presenting the wreath at Cullom

2024: Presenting the Wreath at the Cullom Memorial on Memorial Day.
L-R:  Eric Carlson & Ella (Veterans Service Dog of American (AVSDA); Keith Taylor, SAL/Legion Chaplain; Marsha Haag, Cullom Auxiliary President,.

Military Flags at Memorial in Cemetery 11-11-16
This is a project of the S.A.L. (Sons of the American Legtion). Thank You.

Military Flags 11-11-16
Project of the S.A.L

Rick Allen 2024--2025
Department of IL Detachment Commander of the Sons of American Legion (SAL)

Congratulations to Rick Allen on his changing of the Guard from Sr Vice Commander of the Detachment of Illinois Sons of the American Legion (2023--2024) to Department of IL Detachment Commander of the Sons of the American Legion (SAL) (2024-2025). .  He was installed at the Department of Illinois Convention in Springfield on July 14, 2024.

Boys State 6.11.2024 preparaing to Shoot Cannon
4th Div Sr Vice & 17th Dist SAL Commander and MJ McDernott

MJ McDernott Shooting Cannon Boys State 6.11.2024
4th Div Sr Vice & 17th Dist SAL Commander Mark Yound

Past Commander Mark Melone Installing Rick Allen
Changing of the Guard.from 4th Div to Sr Vice Det of IL SAL

7.16.23 Wife, Vicki Allen .
Vicki placing new Sr Vice Detachment of IL Commander Cap on.

In Memory

In memory of Larry Shelby
Passed 1.6.2018

In Memory of Bob Vercler
August 2, 2018

In mwmory of Brett Krause
Passed 11.19.2020

In loving memory of Paul Anderson
Passed 5.16. 2023

 Sons of the American Legion
Skinner Trost Detachment #122
  This New Squadron was given their oath and the new officers were installed at the Legion Birthday Supper, Saturday, April 6, 2013 at the Cullom Post Home.  SAL Detachment Commander Jim Hunter was unable to attend due to car trouble.  He had the Charter which will arrive at a later date..  Dept. Commander Wayne Wagner did the honors.
L-R:  17th District Command Jim Nagel; 4th Division Commander Ted Lange; Cullom SAL Commander  Rick Allen; Cullom SAL Chaplain Keith Taylor; Cullom SAL Adjutant & Finance Officer Kevin Ehlers; Department Commander Wayne Wagner.

04-06-13 Cullom Sons of the American Legion
Officers of the SAL with 17th Dist, 4th Div and Dept Commanders

 New members of the Cullom Sons of the American Legion present at the Legion Birthday party to take the oath were:  L-R:  Rick Allen, Kevin Ehlers, Keith Taylor, Carl Krause III, Bob Vercler, Zach Ehlers, Jordan Spangler, Zach Taylor, Bill Graeber

04-06-13 New Sons of the American Legion, Cullom
Commander Wayne Wagner gave the oath to the members and installed the New SAL officers

2015 Veteran's Day Supper

November 7, 2015 Veteran's Day Supper
Hosted by the SAL and wives
Back: Jonathan Schmidt (SAL): Jess Haag (guest); Giosue Floyd; Zach (guest/GA); J Orin Taylor; Rick Allen (SAL); Alex Wojciechowski; Kevin Ehlers (SAL); Bob Vercler (SAL).
Front: Roy Knapp; John Platz; Raymond Shapland (GA): Don McCaughey (WWII); Dick Gassler; Dave Haag

2016 Veteran's Day Supper
SAL and Legion Members

2016 Veteran's Day Supper was held Sat. Nov. 12 at the Cullom Post with about 30 Legion, SAL and family members attending.  Thanks to  Rick & Vicki  and Kevin for cooking the meat, beans and potatoes.  Thanks to all who supplied other items.
BACK:  Rick Allen (SAL); Kevin Ehlers (SAL); Jordan Spangler (SAL); Alex Wojciechowski; Giosue Floyd; Jerry Burnside    Front:  Roy Knapp; Ron Shapland; Dick Gassler; Dave Haag

2017 Veteran's Day

2017----A Veteran's Day Supper was held at Cullom Post 122 in honor of our Veteran's Saturday, Nov. 11. The SAL members...Rick Allen, wife Vicki, Kevin Ehlers and Keith Taylor cooked the Ham, made the scalloped Potatoes, furnished rolls and drink. Everyone helped by bringing an appetizer, Salad, hot dish or dessert. There were 37 in attendance. An evening of good food and fellowship was enjoyed by all. The annual picture of our Veterans and SAL members was taken by Judy Ehlers. 
Front Row: Duane Haag, Ron Shapland, Dick Gassler, Jerry Burnside.
Middle Row: Warren Barker, Bill Malone from Kempton Post; Howard Smith 
Back Row: Our SAL Members: Jordan Spangler, Rodney Billereck II, Rick Allen, Keith Taylor (Dual member), Kevin Ehlers, Jon Schmidt

Eligibility:   The Sons of the American Legion is an organization of the American Legion and consists of the Male Descendants of Veterans of the US Military.  We are fully committed to maintain the high ideals and Four Pillars of the American Legion: Veterans Affairs & Rehabilitation; National Security; Americanism; Children & Youth.