Cullom, Illinois

American Legion Skinner Trost Post 122

Cullom AL Mess Hall
AL Family Queen of Hearts
Christmas On Main Street
Skully's Saloon
Cullom Historical Society
American Legion 17th District Auxiliary
SAL Post 122, Cullom
2024-- Cullom Homecoming and Jr Fair
Trinity United Methodist Parish (Cullom-Kempton)
Cullom Jam
Cullom Community Market
Cullom Co-Ed 4H
Cullom Senior Citizens
Cullom HCE Unit
Village of Cullom
Calendar of Events
Cullom Celebration Photos
Cullom Food Pantry
Cullom Businesses
St. John's Lutheran Church
Cullom Beckman Memorial Library
American Legion Auxiliary Unit 122
American Legion Junior Auxiliary Unit 122
American Legion 17th District Junior Auxiliary
American Legion Post 122
GFWC IL Woman's Club of Cullom Seventy years old September 2024
Citizens for Cullom
Cullom Pictures in History

Doy W Skinner & Theodore William Trost
Skinner (3-3-1895 /10-17-1918) Trost (7-5-1885 / 10-9=1918)


Friday, August 9 during Cullom Homecoming
Location: Cullom American Legion
Sponsored by American Legion & Sons of the American (SAL)

  7:30pm  1st Wednesday of the month at the Post Home
  Sons of the American Legion (SAL) group meets with at the same time and again separately on 2nd Thursday at 7:30pm. .  
                    (see SAL page) 

See the American Legion Family QUEEN OF HEARTS raffle page for updates.

The Cullom American Legion Bar is open for business. 

 Hours: Monday thru Thursday 4:00 pm to 12:00 am***
Friday & Saturday 4:00pm to 1:00am*** 
Sunday Noon to 12:00am***

***Closing time subject to change

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In memory of Post 122 Commander
David Haag, 2023-2024. Passed August 30, 2023

Dick Gassler, Step Up Commander 9/6/2023

2023--2024 Officers

Commander: David Haag (passed 8/30/2023) 
Sr. Vice Commander stepped up as Commamder: Dick Gassler
Jr. Vice Commander: Alex Wojciechowski
Adjutant /Finance: Ron Shapland
Chaplain: Keith Taylor
Sgt-at-Arms: Dick Gassler
Historian: Dick Gassler
Judge Advocate: Keith Taylor

Legion Officers .2023--2024
L-R:Seated: Dick Gassler, (Dave Haag), Ron Shapland. Standing: Keith Taylor, Alex Wojciechowski

05-27-2024 Presenting the wreath at Cullom

2024: Presenting the Wreath at the Cullom Memorial on Memorial Day.
L-R:  Eric Carlson & Ella (Veterans Service Dog of American (AVSDA); Keith Taylor, SAL/Legion Chaplain; Marsha Haag, Cullom Auxiliary President,.

2006 - Displaying New Jackets

Post 122 WW II Veterans: Don McCaughey, Joe Malone, Dick Magee 5-25-09

4-16-11: Post 122 WWII Vets Russell "Buck" Boeman, Dick Magee, Joe Malone, Don McCaughey


In Memory of our fallen WWII Veteran Richard Magee
Passed Feb. 3, 2013

21 Gun Salute and Taps Saturday, Feb. 9, 2013
Richard Magee

In Memory of Merle Gassler
Passed Monday, Feb. 18, 2013

In Memory of Arthur "Butch" Hack
Passed Wednesday, April 24, 2013

In Memory of WWII Veteran Russel "Buck" Boeman
Passed Thursday, August 15, 2013

In Memory of Arthur Eugene Blackmore
Passed Monday, February 17, 2014

In memory of Joseph Malone, WWII Veteran
Passed Thursday, May 19, 2016

In Memory of WWII Veteran Don McCaughey
Passed Tuesday, October 4, 2016 2 mos and few days from his 100th Birthday in December 2016

In memory of Wendell Gassler
Passed Monday, July 27, 2020

In memory of Roy Dale Knapp
Passed Friday, September 30, 2022

In memory of John Berberich
Passed Tuesday, November 15, 2022

In Loving memory of J. Orin Taylor
Passed Saturday, April 8, 2023

In memory of David E. Haag
Passed Wednesday, August 30, 2023

In memory of Passed Commandeer Douglas Taylor
Passed Friday, Nov. 24, 2023

In memory of Tom Ford
Passed 1.23.2024

WWII Veteran Don McCaughey 5-30-16
Don was in attendance at Cullom's Memorial Day Service at the Community building & Cemetery Service

Skinner-Trost Post 122 American Legion Veteran's Memorial

The A7 plane coming into Cullom 6-15-08

A7 is home. Mayor Marge welcomes plane and thanks movers.

A7 plane at home in Cullom corner of Jackson Rt116 & Maple-- 6-15-08

Our Veteran's Wall and POW/MIA Table
set up 11-11-16

2017 Veteran's Day

2017----A Veteran's Day Supper was held at Cullom Post 122 in honor of our Veteran's Saturday, Nov. 11. The SAL members...Rick Allen, wife Vicki, Kevin Ehlers and Keith Taylor.  Cooked the Ham, made the scalloped Potatoes, furnished rolls and drink. Everyone helped by bringing an appetizer, Salad, hot dish or dessert. There were 37 in attendance. An evening of good food and fellowship was enjoyed by all. The annual picture of our Veterans and SAL members was taken by Judy Ehlers. 
Front Row: Duane Haag, Ron Shapland, Dick Gassler, Jerry Burnside.
Middle Row: Warren Barker, Bill Malone from Kempton Post; Howard Smith 
Back Row: Our SAL Members: Jordan Spangler, Rodney Billereck II, Rick Allen, Keith Taylor (Dual member), Kevin Ehlers, Jon Schmidt

2016 Veteran's Day Supper
SAL and Legion Members

2016 Veteran's Day Supper was held Sat. Nov. 12 at the Cullom Post with about 30 Legion, SAL and family members attending.  Thanks to  Rick & Vicki  and Kevin for cooking the meat, beans and potatoes.  Thanks to all who supplied other goodies.
BACK:  Rick Allen (SAL); Kevin Ehlers (SAL); Jordan Spangler (SAL); Alex Wojciechowski; Giosue Floyd; Jerry Burnside    Front:  Roy Knapp; Ron Shapland; Dick Gassler; Dave Haag

2015 Veteran's Day Supper

November 7, 2015 Veteran's Day Supper
Hosted by the SAL and wives
Back: Jonathan Schmidt (SAL): Jess Haag (guest); Giosue Floyd; Zach (guest/GA); J Orin Taylor; Rick Allen (SAL); Alex Wojciechowski; Kevin Ehlers (SAL); Bob Vercler (SAL).
Front: Roy Knapp; John Platz; Raymond Shapland (GA): Don McCaughey (WWII); Dick Gassler; Dave Haag

2015 Veterans Birthday Supper
Saturday, April 18, 2015
Back Row: Kevin Ehlers (SAL), Rick Allen (SAL), Alex Wojciechowski, Nick Gualandi (SAL), Will Osborn, Jerry Burnside, Jordan Spangler (SAL), Bob Vercler (SAL)
Seated:  Dave Haag, Roy Knapp, Don McCaughey (WWII), Dick Gassler, Ron Shapland

2015 April 18
Veterans Birthday Supper

Don McCaughey (WWII) (98 years young)
Shown with his Picture in Uniform (4/18/15)

Don McCaughey (WWII Veteran
Junior Auxiliary Members: Bailee Osborn, Gabby Spangler, Lauren Ehlers, Taryn Gualandi (4/18/15)

April 21, 2012 Legion Birthday Party
WWII Vets: Don McCaughey, Joe Malone, Dale Zeller (Kempton), Buck Boeman. Dick Magee left before.

Veteran's Day Supper 11-10-12 Post 122
World War II Veterans Richard "Dick" Magee and Russell 'Buck" Boeman

Veteran's Day Supper 11-10-12 Post 122-Cullom
Veteran's attending

Back:  Dave Haag, Harry Fischer, Ron Shapland, Dick Gassler, Alex Wojciechowski, Ray Shapland, Roy Knapp, Warren Barker, Scotty Long, Bill Graeber, Dave Farabee, Shaun Shoewalter.
Seated:  Ron Umdenstock, John Shoemaker, Rich Shapland, Ann Chambers, Wendall Gassler, Russel "Buck" Boeman, Eldon Miller.   Dick Magee left before picture time.

91st Birthday Supper of Post 122
Legion members and SAL members attending the 91st Birthday Supper April 26, 2014

Back Row: Alex Wojciechowski, Will Osborn,Ron Shapland, Bob Vercler, Dave Farabee, Glenn Anderson, J Orin Taylor, Keith Taylor, Kevin Ehlers, Zach Ehlers, Rick Allen
Seated:  Don McCaughey (WWII), Roy Knapp, Dave Haag

We support our Veterans and our Community