2024 -- 2025
Thursday, September 19...7:00pm
Community Building
First meeting for 2024-2025 year; Dues is due...$30.00 to Treasurer Judy Ehlers.
Thursday, October 17....1:00pm
Cullom Beckman Memorial Library
Thursday, November 21...1:00pm
Cullom Beckman Memorial Library
Craft by Wendy
Thursday, December 19....5:00pm
Christmas Party...Tom's, Kempton
Husband and/or Guest invited
Let Judy W if you are coming
Thursday, January 16,2025
1:00pm...Cullom Library
Program: TBA
In Loving Memory Of Mary Howell |
9-17-2021 |
Our dear departed Sister Mary Howell went to her heavenly home Friday, Sept. 17, 2021.
She was laid to rest Thursday, Sept. 23, 2021 in St. John's Catholic Cemetery, Cullom. You will be greatly missed. She
was our President for the past several years.
In Loving memory of Helen Trost |
Passed 03.16.18 at 101 1/2 yrs old |
In Loving Memory of Marge Kross |
Marge passed awary 12.31.17 |
In Loving memory of Diana Taylor Feb. 2, 2017 |
Diana was a very active member. |
In loving memory of Teresa Stark |
Passed August 13, 2022 |
Mary presented 28 NoNo Armbands to Barb Potter |

02.20.2020 for Operation Smile |
Luncheon Thursday, June 20, 2019 |

Three Roses B & B, Pontiac Katherin, Judy W, Mary, Phyllis |
6/20/19 Three Roses Bed & Breakfast for lunch |

Phyllis, Linda, Judy E, Meri, Katherine |
2017 Christmas Party |

held at Kross Roads. Last Party Marge attended. Fly high our angel. |
2017 Wreath for Festival of Trees |

Pictured with Thrivent Shirts |

We received $250 credit card to help with expenses for our breakfast from Thrivent..So Thankful. |
Our new Breakfast with Santa Aprons |

Judy W, Linda V, Phyllis M |
2016 Wreath for Festival of Trees//Wreaths |

For November 20, 2016 |
June 26 Committee: Meri
Knapp & Phyllis Moritz 1. Village Park for refreshments
and tickets. You will get a bottle of water to take on your walk. 2.
Woman's Club Butterfly Garden (just north of park) 3. Don
Gardner's Prairie Project (Kempton) 4. Mark & Gia
Hoffman's Perinnial Garden (Rural Kempton) 5. Howard & Carol
Haley's Pond, Trees, Rocks (Rural Kempton) 6. Linda Vercler's
Walk by Perinnial Flower Bed 7. Hahn's Industry (Cullom)
Woman's Club Central Region Meeting, Bloomington |

Mary Howell, Judy Wojciechowski, Judy Ehlers // Diana Taylor |
New Members:Kathy Cox & Brenda Farabee |

Santa stocks made for our local area Service men 11.21.13 |
01-16-14 Valentine Book Marks/Door Hangers |

Diana & Lynn with 67 made for Piper City Nursing Home |
Presentation of 2 Pediatric Medical Bags (8-9-12) |

Cullom WC to Kempton Fire Dept. Candy & Rodney Godbee to Cullom Fire Dept. |
New Smoker's Receptacles on Main Street (9-20-12 |

Four new receptacles are at Library/Post Office; Bank; Store; Sling-Shots. Keep our town clean. |
02-01-13 Presentation to Capt Jeff Kier |

Judy W, (Jeff), Judy E & Phyllis presents blankets to Cullom Ambulance for kids |
02-01-13 Presentation to Fire Chief Don English |

Judy W, (Don), Judy E & Phyllis presents blankets to Kempton Ambulance for kids |
02-21-13 Baby Shower for Caring Pregnancy Center |

Meri Knapp and Candy Godbee, hostesses |
02-21013 Baby Shower for Caring Pregnancy Center |

Members show off our $420.00 worth of items for the CPC in Pontiac at our Baby shower. |
2023 Woman's Club officers |

2023-2025 Officers (Front) Judy Ehlers, Treasurer & Judy Wojciechowski
President 2022-2024 Officers (Back) Elizabeth Weikle, Secretary
& Phyllis Moritz Vice Pres.
2022-2023 Woman's Club officers |

Judy W, Chris Metz(17th Dist Pres), Phyllis M, Elizabeth W, Judy E. |
Installed May 19, 2022 by our new GFWC
IL 17th District President Chris Metz
President: Judy Wojciechowski
phone: 630-863-2064
Vice President: Phyllis Moritz
phone: 815-689-2389
Secretary: Phyllis Moritz
phone: 815-689-2389
Treasurer: Judy Ehlers
phone/cell 815-848-1538
2021-2022 Club Officers |

Kathryn C, Judy W, Phyllis M, Judy E |
2020-2021 Officers (Same as 2019-2020) |

Judy W, Katherine C. Judy E. Mary H, , |
05.22.2020 Memorial Day Weekend |

Welcome to Cullom |
05.22.2020 Memoiral Day Weekend |

Dedication of Flag Donors Case 8/11/17 |

Dedicated by GFWC IL Woman's Cluh of Cullom members for those who donated our Flags for Rt 116 |
Our GFWC IL Woman's Club of Cullom was organized in 1954 with Saunemin Woman's Club as our sponsor. Sunday,
November 16, 2014 we celebrated 60 years of service and fellowship. (picture #4) Attending:
Sally Moritz; Carol Rich & Helen Brown (Saunemin); Lynne Ware; Kathy Cox; Phyllis Moritz; Mary Howell; Marsha Haag. Front row: Linda Vercler (1979-1982); Teresa Stark (1990-1992); Judy Wojciechowski (Present President); Diana
Taylor (1990-1992); Judy Ehlers1995-2005); Phyllis Moritz (2009-2012). Helen Trost (our longest belonging member. Helen
is 98 years young); Joanne Becker (Saunemin). Members made fancy finger sandwiches.
Cookies were enjoyed along with many flavors of tea. A good time was had by all.
GFWC IL Woman's Club of Cullom 60th Tea |

Celebrating our 60 years as a Woman's Club 11-16-14 |
60th Tea celebration 11-16-14 |

Our members and guest |
Helen Brown & Carol Rich (Saunemin WC) |

Past & Present Presidents with Representatives from our sponsor Club...GFWC IL Saunemin Woman's Club |
Welcome to "Breakfast With Santa" 2014 |

Our Woman's Club members |

Look at the good variety of food...Egg casseroles on back table hidden. |
"Here Comes Santa Claus" |

Our 98 years young member |

Helen Trost |
Thank You to the Cullom Fire Department |

Kids of all ages enjoyed the rides!!! |
Welcome to Cullom |

Merry Christmas to One and All (2014) |
Welcom to Cullom |

Happy Valentine's Month February 2015 |
Welcome to Cullom |

Happy St. Patrick's Day March 2015 |
Welcome to Cullom |

Happy Spring, Happy Easter 2015 |
Welcome to Cullom |

We Remember, Honor & Thank our Veterans |
4 Seasons: Summer/Fall 2013 |

Butterfly Garden |
4 Seasons .....2013-2014 Winter |

Butterfly Garden |
2013 Breakfast with Santa |

Members of our Woman's Club with Santa 12-07-13 |
Thanks for taking part...See you May 1 & 2, 2015 |

************************************************ |
GFWC IL Woman's Club of Cullom, Cullom HCE and Charlotte Plan-Its 4-H Club members shared in purchasing
a Red Bud Tree to be planted by the Butterfly Garden on the corner of Walnut and Jeffery. The tree was planted May 14,
Woman's Club, HCE, 4-H members & Helpers present |

Pat F, Bob V, Linda V, Meri K, Josh S, Kim E, Judy E, Diana T, Lauren E |
Red Bud Tree |

5-14-13 One year later. Beautiful |